The appeal of “lamb’s wool scarves”, clingy sweaters, fluffy earmuffs, and thick trench-coats, cannot be denied; I feel warm ‘n’ toasty just thinking on it! Oh, and the beautiful serenity of pure white as far as the eye perceives, crimson cardinals upon a snowy branch, lopsided snow-people in front yards, and the never-ending screams of my neighbors sledding down a slope of about 3 degrees. That is winter: fun, love, innocent beauty, and desperately seeking warmth. No other season holds the same captivating power as the season of snow.
Go ahead and bring this up to me when I am bent over the hood of my mini-SUV, desperately reaching for that spot in the middle I cannot reach from either side, while snow from the roof of my car and the carpet of Heaven showers my head, and my fingers turn purple. Go ahead and remind me how much I love winter and you just might experience my boxing abilities.
In all seriousness, I love winter enough to overlook its downfalls – enough that I generally laugh off the marrow-freezing cold and soggy socks.
Best reason for loving winter? CHRISTMAS!!
So the obvious reason for loving Christmas is thinking about how the Supreme Deity decided to take on this crappy flesh and walk around a bit. But one must also remember the adorable faces on babies atop Santa’s knees, wearing Santa hats to the grocery store, and trying to figure out what to buy a man for a present. (Seriously men – you’re impossible!) Yes, to coin an old phrase, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” – at least, until next season.
Because this is the first snowfall, it all melted before reaching the ground, let alone building up. Therefore, I have a bit more time to overly-romanticize the coming snowfall before I have to walk across campus in it.
Pssht! It's December 21, and I'm STILL enjoying the snow! ...even on cold campus treks. There's just a warmth about this season that makes the cold worthwhile. Peace!
ReplyDeleteReading this gave me the warm and fuzzy feeling that you get inside when you realize, "Jeez, Christmas is almost 25 days away...YES!"
ReplyDeleteHahahaha!! Nice observation! Seeing how I begin listening to Christmas music on Oct. 1 every year, I don't really realize when I'm talking about Christmas too early. XD